Wednesday, October 17, 2007



Ana Cristina Paulo, Director National trainers Centre, National Institute for vocational Training and Employment (IEFP).

  • Adrian Snook, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Learning and Development Programmes the Training Foundation;
  • Richard Willwood, Founder and Director ,Core Education UK;
  • Tauno Tertsunen, Senior Lecturer, HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Vocational Teacher Education Unit

Needs and concerns raised

Research and writing about good training is urgently needed in an era dominated by political demands, but also by the civil society for accountability and efficiency.

What are the emerging professions/profiles in e-learning training organisation?

What are the best European practices in certifying the competences?

Is there a need for common standards, leading to pedagogical courses /training, before entering the labour market?

Approaches, strategies and issues presented

Trainers they have to be facilitators.Re - skilling the stakeholders.

New learn paradigm- the main change is perhaps the shift towards a new learning paradigm based on learning outcomes.

Trainers become a knowledge manager or a performance manager.

The success of e-learning depends of e-professionals that must be seen as the stakeholders in training innovation and reform.

E-learning cycles must be structured very clearly;clear roles for teachers, students, tutors, assistants.

E-learning teachers must not to neat the ski track so clear that students only ski along the ski truck.

Create a Standards and Competency Framework Development as a guarantee of quality for e-trainers and e-tutors.“The word e-learning may well die, but learning lives on…”

The training of trainers & tutors should be delightful!

Which questions were left open and could not be answered?

What are the core –competences for e-trainers and other net learning facilitators?

Are we making what is really important in this field?

What are the crucial differences between the core competences demanded by teachers in traditional class room and the e-learning trainers?

¨ To support the development of common standards of competences for e-trainers and other e-professionals, at an European level, considering this as a pre-condition to enter the profession , related to levels 5-7 of the EQF;

¨ Support the development of an online e-skills self assessments tool for e-trainers;

¨ To support and disseminate experiences at transnational level support recognition and validation of experiential learning;

¨ Develop networking between trainers, to raise productivity and peer learning. Could be interesting to create European open distance learning network and to increase in the European programmes the investments in e-learning training programmes;

¨ The quality of the sector could be improved establishing, by an European entity, a set of standards to guarantee a major efficacy and efficiency of e-learning materials.

Maria do Carmo Bessa - Rapporteur


Some years ago, Alvin Toffler said "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn".

Looking back at the Closing Plenary and the last two days of eLearningLisboa 2007, this has become even more evident to me.

We need to shake our views and patterns of learning, reshuffle and reorganize them in different ways. We need to be flexible, alert, proactive, explorers, inventors at all times. Today... and tomorrow.. and the day after that... and the day after that.

My special thanks go to all the speakers, observers, rapporteurs, participants and the Organizing Committee of this conference that have reminded me to question my paradigms and inspired me to challenge myself for innovation.

NOW it is time to ACT - to create, to change, to collaborate, to play, to experiment, to share, to google, to wiki... to learn, unlearn and relearn.

For if there is for something to happen, it needs to start from ourselves first. We have to be the next best practice... the "InnoAgent".

Gabriela Paleta
(a rapporteur without a session ;))